So, you've launched a campaign and discovered an error in the design, title, or description? You want to edit the campaign but you're confused about what can be changed and what cannot?
Here's a breakdown of what you can and cannot edit after a campaign has been launched.
Table of Contents
Here is What You Can Not Edit on a Campaign After It's Been Launched
Below are the features that you CAN NOT edit after a campaign is launched:
- Design: If you've used the wrong design or need revisions, you will need to launch a new campaign. The design is permanent and cannot be modified once a campaign is live. Even the slightest design change requires starting a new campaign.
- URL/Slug: If you wish to use a new URL/slug for your campaign, you'll need to create a new campaign. Each campaign has a unique URL that cannot be reused or edited.
Here is What You Can Edit on a Campaign After It's Been Launched:
For some campaigns, you can update the following elements within your campaign:
- Title
- Description
- Category
- Tags
- Selling Price
- Buy Now Button Text
- Mockup
Please note: Not all campaign types allow updates after launch. To determine what elements you can update for your campaign, follow these steps:
Step 1. Login to GearBubble
Login to your GearBubble account. If you don't know how to log in to GearBubble, please check out this article.
Step 2. Click on the Edit button under your campaign.
After you've logged in, scroll down to the campaign you would like to make changes on. Then click on the Edit button under the campaign you wish to edit.
Step 3. Display Elements that Can Be Edited
A new window will open, displaying all the elements you can update. In this case, you can see that the campaign title, description, image, category, tags, selling prices and button text can be edited.
Step 4. Edit or upload new content
Edit or upload new content as needed, then click "Save Changes".
Above is a brief of the factors that you can and cannot edit after a campaign is launched.
Please note that the design CANNOT be changed after a campaign is created, as the original design will always be used in the printing process. Therefore, please create a new campaign if your design needs even the slightest adjustments. If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support at
Additional Resources
What is slug?