How to end a campaign

If you have launched a campaign and realized that you have made a mistake with the design, or you do not want to continue to sell a product anymore, you may choose to end the campaign.

It's also possible that you have ended a campaign, but it keeps launching itself. This is because the Evergreen option is usually selected when a campaign is launched. You can learn how to turn off this feature in Step 2 of this article.

Let's look at the following steps to end a campaign properly and prevent it from relaunching itself repeatedly.

Table of Contents

How to End a Campaign

Step 1. Log into Your Gearbubble Dashboard

To get started, go to and log in to your Gearbubble account. If you do not have a Gearbubble account yet, here.

log in to gearbubble2.png

Enter the email address and password used for your Gearbubble account to sign in.

gearbubble log in page.png

Step 2. Locate the campaign

Scroll the campaign you want to terminate, or enter keyword in the "Search campaign" box to find it:

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Step 3. Adjust settings to prevent the campaign from auto-relaunch

If you only hit the End button to terminate a campaign, it will keep relaunching itself. This is because the Evergreen option is usually selected when a campaign is launched. Follow these steps to remove the Evergreen/Auto-relaunch feature so the campaign can be permanently terminated.

Start by clicking on the Settings button under your campaign:


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Select Other:

Screenshot 2023-11-12 at 9.15.16 PM.png

Choose General Settings:

Screenshot 2023-11-12 at 9.15.42 PM.png

Uncheck both Auto Relaunch and Evergreen options. Then, scroll down and click Update.

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Step 4. End/Deactivate the campaign

Return to your Campaign dashboard by clicking on the GearBubble logo at the top left corner of the screen:

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Click on the End button of the campaign:

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 10.09.59 PM.png



By following these steps, you can effectively stop an article from being visible on GearBubble without the concern of it relaunching itself automatically.

If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support at

Additional resources

What are the different types of campaigns?

Can I edit/update the campaign once it is live?

How do I create a product on Gearbubble?



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