How to connect GearBubble with Shopify

The Shopify integration is simple to set up and allows for the upload of most GearBubble products. Best of all, our Shopify integration can be used by Gearbubble sellers for free!

Let's simplify and automate your order management process by connecting Shopify and GearBubble using the following steps.

Table of Contents

  1. Video on How to Install the GearBubble App on Shopify
  2. How to Install the GearBubble App on Shopify
  3. Summary
  4. Additional Resources


Video on How to Install the GearBubble App on Shopify

How to Install the GearBubble App on Shopify

Step 1. Find the GearBubble App on Your Shopify Store

To begin connecting your Gearbubble account with your Shopify store, click here to find the Gearbubble App in the Shopify App store.  Then click on the "Install" button.

Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 10.45.31 PM.png


Step 2. Install the GearBubble App on Your Shopify Store

A window will open that lists what the Gearbubble app will need access to. Click on "Install" to accept and proceed with the process.

Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 10.46.11 PM.png


You will be directed back to your Gearbubble page. Within a few minutes, you can click on the Dropship Dashboard -> Stores page, and you’ll see the Shopify store has been added to your stores.

Upload products as desired by clicking “New Product” and then upload. Only non-customized items can be currently added through the integration.




Following these steps, you will successfully connect Shopify and GearBubble and you will be able to upload products to Shopify with just one click! If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support at

Additional Resources

Introduction to the Integration and Dropship Tools

Which products can be uploaded through each integration?

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