How to Fix Gearbubble Products that Won’t Upload through the Amazon Integration

You've just connected GearBubble and Amazon for the first time, attempted to upload your initial product, but it didn't upload? Refer to the guidelines below to troubleshoot!


Table of Contents

  1. How to Fix Gearbubble Products that Won’t Upload through the Amazon Integration
  2. Summary
  3. Additional Resources


How to Fix Gearbubble Products that Won’t Upload through the Amazon Integration

Solution #1. You Need to Upgrade Your Amazon Seller Account

You MUST have an Amazon Pro account (which costs $39.99 per month) to connect Amazon to Gearbubble and ensure proper integration. Sign up for a Pro seller account here.


Solution #2. Your Amazon Account Needs to Be Registered in the US

Ensure your Amazon account is registered in the US with the US set as the primary marketplace. If your Amazon account is registered in a different country, the integration may not function correctly.


Solution #3. Check the Billing Status of Your Pro Seller Account

Ensure all dues for the Pro seller account are paid. Amazon may suspend the integration if there are pending invoices for the Pro account fee.


Solution #4. You need to have the GTIN exemption approved

GTINs, known as Global Trade Item Numbers, are like special codes used to identify all products sold on Amazon. You can find them on the product's packaging, either above or below the barcode. If your product doesn't have an identifier, you need to request a GTIN Exemption.

Check this post for instructions on applying for the GTIN exemption. Also, confirm that the "UPC exemption enabled" box is checked on Gearbubble. Refer to this article for guidance on this step.


Solution #5. Check your Marketplace ID

Verify the numbers entered on Gearbubble, ensuring the Marketplace ID is ATVPDKIKX0DER. This is the marketplace ID for the US, so confirm that your account is registered in the US with the US set as the primary marketplace.

To check what Marketplace ID you entered on GearBubble, use this link and click at Edit of your Amazon store:


Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 1.38.12 PM.png

Make sure the Marketplace ID in the following field is correct, then click on "Save changes" at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 1.42.27 PM.png


Solution #6. Avoid Using The Same Title For Different Listings

Amazon doesn't allow duplicate titles. If you have two or more campaigns with the same title, only the first campaign will be uploaded. You can edit the title of the campaigns and upload them again.

To edit the title of the campaign, check this article.


Solution #7. Check The Length Of The Listing Title

Most categories on Amazon allow a product title length of 250 characters, but it's safer to limit titles to 200 characters for smooth uploading.

If your campaign title is too long, you can check out this article to edit the title.


Solution #8. You See "Maximum Uploads to Amazon" Error

If you encounter the "Maximum Uploads to Amazon" error, wait for existing products to finish uploading before proceeding with new ones. This process usually takes a few hours to 12 hours in some cases.


Solution #9. Manually List An Item To Identify The Error

If the issue persists after attempting the above solutions, try manually listing a product on Amazon. You may receive an error message indicating what needs to be addressed. Refer to this link for instructions on listing a product on Amazon.



The aforementioned reasons are the most common causes for products failing to upload to Amazon after the integration is set up.

If you have tried all of the above solutions and the issue persists, please contact our support at


Additional Resources

Introduction to the Integration and Dropship Tools

Which products can be uploaded through each integration?

How to Connect Gearbubble and Amazon

How to apply for GTIN exemption on Amazon

Have more questions? Submit a request


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