How to Find the GearBubble Dropship Order ID

If you need to make modifications to an order, such as change the address, add the IOSS number to the shipping label, or even cancel the order entirely, you will need to provide the correct order ID to our support team. This allows the support team to accurately locate your order and process your request as quickly as possible.

Let's follow these easy steps to locate the right order ID.

Table of Contents

  1. How to find the GearBubble Dropship Order ID
  2. Summary
  3. Additional Resources

How to find the GearBubble Dropship Order ID

Step 1. Access Your GearBubble Dropship Dashboard

To begin, login to your GearBubble account here to access your main Gearbubble dashboard. If you don't know how to log in to GearBubble, please check out this article.

Then, click on the "View Dropship Dashboard" link to access the dropship dashboard.



Step 2. Locate Your Unique GearBubble Order ID

The order dashboard will open when you access the dropship dashboard.

Scroll down the page to locate the order in question. You can also search for the order through the Customer's name or Campaign title:

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 10.43.25 AM.png

Click on the "See Details" button of the order:

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 10.45.02 AM.png

A window with the order details will pop up.

The order ID can be found under the second column that's labelled "GB-UNIQUE-Order-ID".

Screenshot 2024-04-10 at 10.46.20 AM.png



By following the steps outlined above, you can accurately obtain the order ID. If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support through


Additional Resources


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