How to Fulfill Personalized Orders from Etsy through the Integration

When you have personalized orders from Etsy with auto-fulfillment enabled, there are a few extra steps to ensure the order is produced correctly. Let's go through the steps below.


Table of Contents

  1. Watch Video about Uploading and Fulfilling Personalized Products to Etsy through the Integration
  2. How to Fulfill Personalized Products to Etsy through the Integration
  3. Summary
  4. Additional Resources


Watch Video about Uploading and Fulfilling Personalized Products to Etsy through the Integration


How to Fulfill Personalized Products to Etsy through the Integration


In order for the order to be fulfilled through the integration, the products needs to be uploaded through the integration. You can check out this article on how to upload personalized products to Etsy.

Step 1. Access the Stores tab on the Dropship dashboard

To begin, login to your GearBubble account here to access your main Gearbubble dashboard. If you don't know how to log in to GearBubble, please check out this article.

Then, click on the "View Dropship Dashboard" link to access the dropship dashboard.



Step 2. Access the Personalized Order dashboard

Click on the "Stores" tab.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 10.48.56 AM.png

Click on the "Personalized Orders" option of the Etsy store:


Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 11.18.11 AM.png


Step 3. Review the design and approve the order

Click on the "Review Design" button to check if the design was generated correctly.

Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 11.25.21 AM.png


If it is all correct, click on "Approve Design". The order will be moved to production.

Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 11.25.33 AM.png

If the design is not correct, you can either Reject it, or leave it as is. That way the order won't be processed and you won't be charged for it.

If you want to process the order manually, you can place a manual order.



By following the steps outlined above, you can make sure that the personalized orders from Etsy are fulfilled correctly! If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact our support through chat (8AM-5PM PDT everyday) or email 


Additional Resources

Which products can be uploaded through each integration?

How to Upload Personalized Products to Etsy through the Integration

How to Upload Non-Personalized Products to Etsy through the Integration

Troubleshooting: Gearbubble Products Won’t Upload After Connecting Etsy Integration

How to Integrate GearBubble with Existing Listings on Etsy for Auto-Fulfillment

How to Add the IOSS number for an Order

Troubleshooting: Products Stop Uploading to Etsy

How to Connect Gearbubble with Etsy

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