If you have an order that has not been shipped after 5 business days or has been shipped but hasn't received any tracking updates for more than 5 business days, you can use this link to report it directly to our Fulfillment team. Make sure that you have the right order ID in hand. You can check out this article on how to find the right order ID.
Please refrain from reporting the same order for the same reason twice. If you need to request the cancellation or refund of an order, please do not use this form. Instead, contact our support team at support@gearbubble.org.
Additional Resources
How to Find the GearBubble Dropship Order ID
How to cancel a GearBubble order
How to Change the Shipping Address of an Order
Can I Change the Size, Color and/or Style of an Order?
How to Add the IOSS number for an Order